Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Liberty in 1955

The Civil Rights movement was from 1955 to 1968 where the U.S charged to outlaw racial discrimination against the African Americans. In this society rules were changed for public areas, and transportation but the right to vote was still restricted. African Americans felt that they didn’t receive that much. Soon Congress passed Johnson’s voting Rights of Act in 1965. In this act the literacy test was disqualified. Another movement during the Civil Rights Movement was in 1966. The Black Power Movement aimed to have freedom from oppression by white Americans. Organizations also took place for social equality like the NAACP, SNCC, CORE, and ,SCLC. These groups were called “Southern Freedom Movement. Issues like freedom, respect, dignity, and economic and social equality were worked on. These groups had some protests that were held by this crisis. Boycotts were held and a successful protest was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 to 1956. This broadened the protests which included “sit-ins” and marches. These protests were also popular because it was protesting in nonviolence.
The Civil Rights Act began when John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Then President Lyndon B. Johnson pledged to follow the footsteps of JFK. On July 2, 1964 Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This banned discrimination on race, religion, and gender. Mother acts that restored rights were the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965, and Fair Housing Act of 1968. All of these acts banned discrimination on voting, immigrants, and rental of housing on people of color. African Americans soon got their freedom on the rights that they deserve in the Civil Rights Movement. This was the starting point of equality and the change in view points that many people had. It gave liberty to many African Americans.


  1. It's amazing how a common cause can bring people together. Regardless of class and social standing.

  2. Yes, it is amazing how common causes can bring people together. You summarized the civil rights movement very nicely. However, I would recommend proofreading and checking for forgotten quotations and other things.

  3. it's very informative, and I know that there is alot happenning. I really like the details you included, all the bills that are passed at because of the movement.

  4. Very good job in demonstrating the legal aspects of the civil rights movement. However It seemed like the write-up was a little shallow and at times a list of dates.

  5. good job very detail and easy to read

  6. I agree how amazing it is how one common goal can unite a nation and can bring you together. a lot of good information as well. do proofread next time though. overall good job!!

  7. GOOD JOB. I really like the picture. It looks sharp. The length of your blog is nice and friendly, and also easy to read.

  8. Great job. Nice and short, unlike most blog postings lately.

  9. Very informative and inspiring. I think the formatting could use some more line breaks so it's not so much of a text wall, but overall, well done!
