Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Senator Joseph McCarthy

Senator Joseph McCarthy was an anti-Communist activist. Many people saw him as ineffective to the legislation. He then realized that being reelected is the answer to his conflict. His reelection came with a thought showing that Communism was taking over. He attacked Communists with suspecting and accusing others. McCarthyism was this act in the early 1950s.

Many people didn’t like Senator Joseph McCarthy’s unfair method. He would suspect innocent people of being Communist without any evidence provided. It showed disloyalty and reason without a proper regard for evidence. McCarthyism also increased the fear in Communists toward the American institutions by the Soviet agents. Many Americans in WWII were accused of being Communist with aggressive investigations and they were continually questioned by the government as well as intruded on their private-industries. Committees and agents were even looked upon. The main targets of McCarthyism were government employees because they were in control of the entertainment industry, many leaders, educators, and union activists. The leadership roles were looked mostly attacked.

There was a large sum of imprisoned people that were victims of McCarthyism. 10,000, to 12,000 lost their jobs and were imprisoned because of this act, then were imprisoned were questioned by committees. Homosexuals were also targeted. This came to thousands of people without jobs and harassed by the acusations. The film industry were also attacked. Over 300 actors and directors were unemployed and denied work because an unofficial Hollywood blacklist.

In 1954, McCarthy mad accusations against the U.S Army which was his downfall. This was spread nationally on television about the Senate’s investigation. The public then saw McCarthy’s plan and attacks, which lost many of his votes. The Senate then condemned him for his unfair and improper actions. It brought dishonor and a bad reputation toward the Senate. A few years later Joseph McCarthy turned to alcoholism because of all of his conflict then he had died.


  1. That was very well written. Good Job!

  2. Well written, but you need to vary sentence length a bit, else it sounds disjointed.

  3. I really like this post. It's very well written and its easy to read. Also the picture makes it interesting. Good job!
