Everywhere in the country, communist influence in spreading and subtle propagandas is believed to be incorporated to that American society. In entertainment movies are believed to inclined communist ideals and many movie stars and directors are suspected to be parrot of the spreading infiltration. Many were turned down for jobs and even tried for nonexistent crimes because they were believe to be for the communism.
President Truman was against the McCarran internal security act which made it unlawful to plan any action that may lead to dictatorship. He said that “in a free country we punish men for the crimes they commit but never for the opinions the have.” However congress passed the law over Truman’s veto.
On the other hand Senator Joseph McCarthy took advantage of the growing concern over communism and he starte
Even though they knew of the unlawful actins of McCarthy republican did little to stop him. This made sure that the public saw them purging the nation of communists.
McCarthy gained public support for bullying witnesses and even accused the US Army for being communists.
The senate finally stops him by saying that he has “brought the senate into dishonor and disrepute.”
Some of the causes that happened due to McCarthyism was the Soviets developed the atomic bomb much quicker than expected. Also the soviets successfully establish communist regimes in Eastern Europe after World War II. In addition the Korean War ends in a stalemate and the Republicans gain politically by accusing Truman and Democrats of being soft on communism.
Effects to these causes were that millions of Americans were forced to take loyalty oaths and undergo loyalty investigations. Also activism by labor unions goes into decline. Lastly many people were afraid to speak out on public issues and Anti-communism continues to drive U.S. foreign policy.