Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The best and the brightest

The Kennedy Administration was known as “the best and the brightest”. Among Kennedy’s administration was his brother, Robert Kennedy who He appointed Attorney General. Kennedy’s administration was faced with issues at the beginning of office, such as the cold war and the civil rights movement. To combat the cold war Kennedy’s administration developed a policy of flexible response, where they spent more money on conventional military forces, and spent less on nuclear ones. One of Kennedy’s most risky political decisions, taking blame for the Bay of Pigs invasion became one of his most trusting and reassuring actions the American People. Kennedy’s administration inspired many Americans, showing them that anyone no matter how young can succeed, because of his young and inexperienced administration. Among the issues his administration faced the Berlin crisis was the most stressful, being on the brink of nuclear war. Another one of the greatest accomplishments of the Kennedy administration include the space program, where Kennedy pushed for people to aspire to the new frontier. As well as foreign affairs Kennedy’s administration improved domestic problems such as coming out of a recession, and improving unemployment relief. Lastly, Kennedy’s administration started to improve civil rights and cut taxes by 10 billion dollars.


  1. really detailed good job on your blog

  2. good job with your summary, you made in informative, yet is it was still easy to read. It is interesting how you talk about more than just the war and what he did for military.

  3. Short but informative. In very few words you managed to explain all the areas that the Kennedy administration took action in

  4. Good job. It has a lot of useful information about Kennedy's administration, and the problems they had to deal with, like civil rights.
