Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Civil Rights Movement: Malcolm X

Malcolm X

Malcolm X was very controversial. Those who were against him felt that he taught black supremacy, racism, and anti-semitism, while supporters viewed him as one of the most influencial African Americans fighting racism in a "White America." Indeed his ideas were radical; however, he fought for African American's rights in one of the harshest times for a black person living in America (besides slavery).

Malcolm X said, "It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks. It is legal and lawful to own a shotgun or a rifle. We believe in obeying the the law.... The time has come for the American Negro to first fight back in self-defense whenever and wherever he is being unjustly and unlawfully attacked."

When Malcolm was young, he was alienated by the white society he lived in. His father was killed by white racists and his mother left him and his siblings because of an emotional collapse. Malcolm later went to jail for burglary and in jail is where he would join the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X became widely known because his controversial stories and lessons gave the media a lot to write about. The main controversy was Malcolm X's call for armed self defense, which frightened many white people and moderate African Americans. After a disagreement in strategy between Elijiah Muhammad and Malcolm, Malcolm decided to start his own black muslim group. Like every orthodox Muslim, Malcolm made his trip to Mecca. On this trip, he learned that Islam preaches racial equality. When he came back, he had a new slogan "Ballots or Bullets." He said, "Well, if you and I don't use the ballot, we're going to be forced to use tge bullet. So let us try the ballot."

Malcolm X was shot while giving a speech in Harlem NY on February 21st, 1965. His legacy and influence still exists today.

Connor R


  1. Nice work! You captured a good portrait of his life. I liked how you included the quotes, to make it more biographical. Try adding a picture for the finishing touch. Good post!

  2. This is a really good posting if someone didnt know anything about Malcom X they would have learned a lot from this. Just add a picture and it would be perfect.
